
Selasa, Juni 24, 2008

Alia Sabur Profesor Termuda di Dunia

Ini dia profesor termuda di dunia. Usianya baru 19 tahun, namun wanita ini telah mencetak rekor dunia sebagai profesor paling muda dalam sejarah.

Dialah Alia Sabur asal Northport, New York, AS. Wanita satu ini memang luar biasa. Dia mulai bicara dan membaca ketika masih berumur 8 bulan! Alia menyelesaikan pendidikan SD pada usia 5 tahun.

Dia kemudian masuk kuliah pada umur 10 tahun. Dan pasa umur 14 tahun, Alia meraih gelar sarjana sains dalam bidang matematika aplikasi dari Universitas Stony Brook, wanita paling muda dalam sejarah AS yang berhasil melakukannya.

Pendidikan Alia berlanjut ke Universitas Drexel dan meraih gelar M.S. dan Ph.D. dalam sains dan engineering.

“Saya benar-benar senang mengajar,” kata Alia seperti dilansir MSNBC, Sabtu (26/4). “Ini hal di mana Anda bisa membuat perberdaan. Ini bukan cuma apa yang bisa Anda lakukan, tapi Anda bisa membuat banyak orang menjadi berbeda,” imbuh wanita muda itu.

Dikatakan Alia, yang ingin dilakukannya hanyalah membagi semua yang telah dipelajarinya. “Saya merasa saya bisa membantu banyak orang,” tuturnya.

Selain prestasi akademiknya yang mengagumkan, Alia juga merupakan pemain musik dan pemegang sabuk hitam olahraga bela diri taekwondo.

Alia Sabur, a 14-year-old Long Island, N.Y., native has enrolled at Drexel University's College of Engineering to pursue a doctoral degree in mechanical and electrical engineering. She is the youngest Ph.D. student in the nation. A summa cum laude graduate of Stony Brook University with a bachelor of science degree in applied mathematics, Sabur will study and research nano-photonics.

"Alia was recruited by the most competitive graduate schools in the country. She is a tremendous addition to our rapidly growing program," said Selçuk Güçeri, dean of the Drexel's College of Engineering. "She is a fast learner and a creative thinker."

A clarinet-playing musical prodigy, Sabur hopes to take advantage of many of Philadelphia's cultural offerings, including studying with Ricardo Morales, the principal clarinetist with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Sabur started
playing the clarinet at 11. She is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

"I look forward to playing in my Philadelphia concert debut at Drexel with Dr. Güçeri, who is an excellent pianist," she said.

Güçeri was Sabur's major contact during the recruitment process. "Dr. Güçeri," she said, "is an excellent recruiter and scientist and pianist. Drexel has a great graduate engineering program and is involved in exciting research."

Sabur is the daughter of Julie and Mark Sabur. She began talking when she was eight months old, reading full novels when she was two and writing at two and a half. She completed her K-6 curriculum by the end of her first year in school and began her undergraduate studies at Stony Brook in the fall of 1999.

Dari Berbagai Sumber.


Jumat, Juni 20, 2008

Percepat Browser Mozilla Firefox anda...

Metode 1:

  1. Buka browser Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Ketik 'about:config' pada address bar, lalu tekan enter.
  3. Turunkan halaman sampai Anda menemukan kalimat 'browser.tabs.showSingleWindowsModePrefs', lalu double klik sehingga settingannya menjadi 'true'.
  4. Turunkan lagi halaman Firefox sampai Anda menemukan baris berbunyi 'network.http.pipelining', lalu double klik sehingga settingannya juga menjadi 'true'.
  5. Terakhir, turunkan lagi halaman Firefox dan carilah baris yang berbunyi 'network.http.pipelining.maxrequests', lalu double klik. Anda akan disuguhi sebuah window pop up. Ubahlah angka di pop up itu menjadi 60. Kemudian tekanlah 'Ok'.
  6. Tutup Firefox lalu coba buka kembali. Jika tidak ada masalah, Firefox Anda akan terbuka 10-40 persen lebih cepat daripada sebelumnya dengan langkah-langkah seperti di atas.

Metode 2:

Langkah mujarab lain untuk meningkatkan kecepatan Firefox adalah dengan menggunakan add-on untuk Firefox bernama FasterFox. FasterFox ini membuat pemakaian bandwidth lebih efektif sehingga bisa mempercepat performa Firefox. Anda bisa mendownload FasterFox di alamat:

Rabu, Juni 11, 2008

UTP Wire Cabling

UTP Local Area Network Standart Cabling

LAN or Local Area Network cabling is easy to do but we must be careful when doing it, because its affect to the data transfer if we connected to another PC. LAn have standart cabling, so it could be used or manage by the other person that continued from people who first installed LAN. I have several refference tomake LAN cabling from many resources on internet, so be learned it. Ok, lets start, LAN cable called UTP short from Unshielded Twisted Pair. The normal colour coding for category 5 cables (4 pair) based on the two standards supported by TIA/EIA. There is two cabling system, straight and cross cabling, cross cabling used if you want to connect between one pc to another pc and connected one switch hub to ancther switch hub. Straight cable used when you want to connect one pc to switch hub. Like you show in thi picture of diagram

The various standards can get a tad complicated and messy. We get occasional email requesting a summary of the standards - this is our attempt to provide a quick overview.

Standard Required Pairs 10M 100M 1000M Notes
10base-T 2 (1/2 and 3/6) yes yes no 100m support only if no cat 3/4 in run
100base-TX 2 (1/2 and 3/6) yes yes no 100m support only if no cat 3/4 in run
100base-T4 4 (1/2, 3/6, 4/5 and 7/8) yes yes yes
1000base-T 4 (1/2, 3/6, 4/5 and 7/8) yes yes yes Functionally identical to 100base-T4
These standards apply to the color code used within any SINGLE cable run - BOTH ENDS MUST USE THE SAME STANDARD. However, since they both use the same pinout at the connectors you can mix 568A and 568B cables in any installation.

Straight cables are used to connect PCs or other equipment to a HUB or Switch. If your connection is PC to PC or HUB to HUB you MUST use a Crossed cable.

The following cable description is for the wiring of both ends (RJ45 Male connectors) with the 568B category 5(e) wiring colors you could, of course, use the 568A colour scheme.

Pin No. strand color Name
1 white and orange TX+
2 orange TX-
3 white and green RX+
4 NC *
5 NC *
6 green RX-
7 NC *
8 NC *

NOTE: Items marked * are not necessary for 10M LANs (10base-T) but since you will be moving shortly to 100MB LANs (won't you) you will save yourself a LOT OF TIME finding crappy cable (that you made) that does not work. Instead we suggest you wire to 100Base-T4 standards. After all you gotta stick the ends somewhere man.

We use BLUE for 10base-T straight cables. NOTE: All our wiring is now done to the 100base-T4 spec which you can use with 10base-T networks - but NOT necessarily the other way around.

10baseT Crossed cable (PC to PC or HUB to HUB)

Crossed cables are used to connect PCs to one other PC or to connect a HUB to a HUB. Crossed cables are sometimes called Crossover, Patch or Jumper cables. If your connection is PC to HUB you MUST use a Straight cable.

The following description shows the wiring at both ends (male RJ45 connectors) of the crossed cable.

One end
RJ45 Male
Other end
RJ45 Male
1 3
2 6
3 1
4 * 5 *
5 * 4 *
6 2
7 * 8 *
8 * 7 *


  1. Items marked * are not necessary for 10M LANs but since you will be moving shortly to 100MB LANs (won't you) you will save yourself a LOT OF TIME finding crappy cable (that you made) that does not work. Instead we suggest you wire to 100BaseT standards.
  2. We use RED for crossed cables (or more commonly now a red heat-shrink collar at each end).
  3. All our crossed wiring is done to the 100base-T4 spec which you can use with 10baseT networks - but NOT always the other way around.

100base-T Straight Cable (PC to HUB/SWITCH)

Straight cables are used to connect PCs or other equipment to a HUB or Switch. If your connection is PC to PC or HUB to HUB you MUST use a Crossed cable.

The following cable description is for the wiring of BOTH ends (RJ45 Male connectors) with your category 5 wiring colors (TIA/EIA 568A or 568B though the example uses 568B colors).

Pin No. conductor color Name
1 white and orange TX_D1+
2 orange TX_D1-
3 white and green RX_D2+
4 blue BI_D3+ **
5 white and blue BI_D3- **
6 green RX_D2-
7 white and brown BI_D4+ **
8 brown BI_D4- **

We use BLUE for 100baseT straight cables.


  1. Wires marked ** are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for 100Base-T4 networks - used when any combination of category 3/4/5 cables are present, when using 1000base-T and MAY be required for Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) - see below.

  2. Wires marked ** are not essential for 100Base-TX (using cat 5/5e ONLY cables) and CAN be used for other purposes, for example, telephony but, .. beware .. read this FAQ and our LAN plus Telephony article before you wire your entire neighbourhood for surround sound.

  3. The Power-over-Ethernet spec (802.3af) allows three schemes where power may be supplied. Two of these schemes use pairs 4,5 and 7,8 (marked ** in above table) for power (called Midspan PSE and Alternative B or Mode B), one scheme uses ONLY pairs 1,2 and 3,6 (Endpoint PSE, Alternative A or Mode A) for both signals and power. Depending on which scheme you use pairs 4,5 and 7,8 may be required.

  4. Gigabit Ethernet requires all 4 pairs (8 conductors).

  5. All our wiring is now done to the 100base-T4 spec which you can use with 10baseT networks - but NOT the other way around.

00base-T Crossed cable (PC to PC or HUB to HUB)

Crossed cables are used to connect PCs to one other PC or to connect a HUB to a HUB. Crossed cable are sometimes called Crossover, Patch or Jumper cables. If your connection is PC to HUB you MUST use a Straight cable.

The following description shows the wiring at both ends (male RJ45 connectors) of the crossed cable. Note: The diagrams below shows crossing of all 4 pairs and allows for the use of cat3/4 cables with 100m LANs (100base-T4). Pairs 4,5 and 7,8 do not NEED to be crossed in 100base-TX wiring. See notes below.

We use RED for crossed cables (or more commonly now a red heat-shrink collar at each end).


  1. All our crossed wiring is now done to the 100base-T4 spec (uses all 4 pairs, 8 conductors) which you can use with 10base-T networks - but NOT necessarily the other way around.
  2. Many commercial 100m LAN cables seem not to cross pairs 4,5 and 7,8. If there is no cat3/4 wiring in the network this perfectly acceptable.
  3. Gigabit Ethernet uses all 4 pairs so requires the full 4 pair (8 conductor) cross configuration (shown above).
  4. If you are using Power-over-Ethernet (802.3af) then Mode A or Alternative A uses pairs 1,2 and 3,6 for both signals and power. Mode B or alternative B uses 4,5 and 7,8 to carry power. In all cases the spec calls for polarity insensitive implementation (using a diode bridge) and therefore crossing or not crossing pairs 4,5 and 7,8 will have no effect.

1000base-T Gigabit Ethernet

1000base-T is the copper based version of the gigabit Ethernet standard defined by 802.3ab which, since it is over 6 months old, is available free of charge from the enlightened IEEE. Great work. In passing, if you want to see sophistry raised to an art form read the EIA's justification for charging for their specifications. The following notes apply to the 1000base-T spec:

  1. The standard defines auto-negotiation of speed between 10, 100 and 1000 Mbit/s so the speed will fall to the maximum supported by both ends - ensuring inter-working with existing installations.

  2. The cable specification base-line is ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A-1995 (which you have to pay for). This means that if you know your cat5 cable was manufactured to this standard (there was a lower spec 1991 version of this specification) then it will support Gigabit Ethernet. Cat5 cable manufactured to the old specification may work or it may not - you need to run some tests. Cat5e and cat6 being higher spec cables will clearly support Gigabit Ethernet.

  3. Maximum runs are the standard 100m (~300ft).

  4. Gigabit Ethernet uses all 4 pairs (8 conductors). The transmission scheme is radically different (PAM-5 a 5 level amplitude modulation scheme) and each conductor is used for send and receive.

  5. Crossed Gigabit Ethernet cables must cross all 4 pairs.

Ok i thing thats quite enough for us to learn standart wiring of LAN, hope it a little help you. I got many resources refferences from internet such like, thx for the article and hope you let me to make it as my refference. Thx again

Jumat, Juni 06, 2008

Disambar Petir Sadar setelah 7 Jam Ditanam dalam Tanah

Korban disambar petir Tuah (38) warga gang Mancis lingkungan V Beting Kuala Kapias Teluk Nibung akhirnya sadar setelah menjalani terapi ditanam selama tujuh jam di dalam tanah.
Pengobatan tradisonal bagi korban disambar petir ini ternyata mampu menyembuhkan Tuah yang telah pingsan hampir tiga hari.
Selain menggunakan tanah pengobatan juga memakai daun akar rumput manis yang dikibaskan ke seluruh tubuh korban.
Keterangan diperoleh dari pihak keluarga, Rabu (4/6) menyebutkan cara pengobatan tradisional menjadi kesepakatan keluarga setelah korban tidak juga sadarkan diri usai menjalani perawatan di RSU.
Terbukti setelah dilumuri tanah selama tujuh jam akhirnya korban sadar dan langsung dimandikan. Usai dimandikan pengobatan selanjutnya menggunakan rumput manis bersama akarnya yang di kibaskan ke tubuh korban dengan maksud agar tubuh korban menjadi lebih dingin dengan percikan air.
Setelah sadar korban diberi makan dan minum secukupnya dan korban juga telah mampu duduk meskipun belum dapat berbicara. Korban yang masih trauma pasca disambar petir belum bisa membuka matanya namun telah mampu menggerakkan seluruh organ tubuhnya.
Di tubuh korban juga terlihat luka bakar yang cukup lebar dan kulitnya 90 persen hitam akibat terbakar.
"Alhamdulillah ia sudah sadar dan bisa makan dan sekarang kami masih terus mengawasinya mana tahu mengalami gejala lain yang lebih berbahaya," ungkap istri korban Idah.
Menurut Idah, harapan keluarga agar korban segera sadarkan diri sudah tercapai dan sekarang yang dibutuhkan adalah perawatan untuk pemulihan kesehatannya.
Selain kerusakan pada tubuh akibat luka bakar saat ini korban mengalami gangguan mental sehingga membutuhkan banyak obat baik dari medis maupun tradisional.
Untuk itu perawatan medis di RS masih dibutuhkan untuk pemulihan dan rencananya setelah menjalani pengobatan tradisional pihak keluarga akan membawa korban ke RS.
"Memang kami masih ingin membawa korban ke RS namun karena terhalang biaya kami masih tetap menggunakan obat tradisional," ujarnya.
Sementara itu Kadis Kesehatan Kota Tanjung Balai Dr H Azwar Mahmud Lubis MHA mengatakan secara medis cara tradisional yang dilakukan pihak keluarga Tuah memang tidak dibenarkan sebab hal itu dapat saja menyebabkan berbagai penyakit lain seperti infeksi pada luka bakar.
Bahkan korban yang tersengat aliran listrik kuat dari sambaran petir seharusnya mendapatkan perawatan yang intensif secara medis sebab korban akan rentan terhadap terganggunga fungsi jantung.
Namun menanam korban dalam tanah sebagai cara alternatif juga masih dapat diterima akal karena tanah itu sifatnya menetralisir energi listrik yang masuk ke tubuh korban dari samabar petir.
"Jadi kita menyarankan agar Tuah segera kembali dirawat di RS secara medis setelah sadar dari pingsanya dan untuk pembiayaan biasanya pemerintah akan memberikan bantuan apalagi korban ini akibat bencana alam," ujarnya. (gsp)